Montana Board of Nursing: What Happens When a Complaint is Filed to the Board?
Welcome to the Montana Board of Nursing Complaint Process Module. The complaint and discipline process can be scary and overwhelming to nurses. This education is to help you understand the progression from beginning of the complaint to its resolution.
The mission of the Board of Nursing it is to protect the health, safety and well-being of Montana citizens though the licensing of competent nursing professionals and by the regulation of practice to promote the delivery of quality health care. This mission is carried out by enforcing the nursing rules and standards, and to ensure that nurses meet the licensure requirements for practice in the State of Montana.
This continuing nursing education activity is approved for 2.5 contact hours.
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
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Course Curriculum
StartLesson 1: Types of Discipline Cases
StartComplaint & Discipline Introduction
StartHow Does the Board Know if Nurses are Being Safe?
StartWhat is a Complaint?
StartConduct of Nurses Part 1
StartConduct of Nurses Part 2
StartConduct of Nurses Part 3
StartDisciplinary Cases
StartUnsafe Practice Due to Substance Use Disorder of the Nurse
StartSubstance Use Disorder
StartSubstance Use Disorder in Nursing Video
StartErrors in Practice
StartSexual Misconduct
StartBoundary Violations
StartProfessional Boundaries in Nursing Video
StartFailure to Report Professional Misconduct
StartLesson 2: The Complaint Process
StartComplaint Process
StartBoard of Nursing Complaint Process: Investigation to Resolution Video
StartVisual Overview of Board Disciplinary Process
StartTypes of Complaints Submitted
StartComplaint Form
StartSubmitting a Complaint
StartAfter a Complaint is Filed: Intake
StartScreening Panel
StartScreening Panel Meeting
StartReasonable Cause
StartSummary Suspension Orders
StartResolution of the Contested Case
StartAdjudication Panel
StartFinal Order
StartJudicial Review
StartUnlicensed Practice
StartHow Long Does it Take to Resolve a Complaint?
StartMontana State Board Discipline Action Statistics